About Me/Site

Posted on 08-08-2024

Last Rev on 08-10-2024

My online name is MistakenGurdian, and i want to learn how to code so here we are. Im not sure how personal i want to be here yet. so far my projects are to.

  • compile a Cool cats list w/ indivial cat pages.
  • Update section/ perma location for it.
  • box scroll thing for updates for unifority
  • make a comment thread on home
  • come up with more projects
  • add more info here about me
  • make small nav box side bar for cat 2 cat nav for readers
  • make page for site project list

Site Updates

Last Update:

08-19-2024: The Gallery is up with one portfolio and is missing the other two. I have all the compiled content ready, I just need to add them to the code respestfuly. I might tweek the css later.

Past Updates.

08-17-2024: I have now completed what cool cat stories I had lined up. I do have 2 more cats to add on top of what is there. As far as that section of the site I'll need to research more after I add the next two. Outside of the cats I'm working on a gallery section with 3 portfolios. Working on it outside of Neocities the "old-school" way. (running into issuse's with it as well.) When it is ready to post you'll be able to find it on the nav bar next to cool cats with the label "Gallery" or "Photography". At least thats the idea I am working with.

08-10-2024: I have posted Tama the station masters shrine/story. you can find it in "cool cats". I've also done minor tweeks sitewide. project list, nav fixed seems easier to use. added mor links on links page. all pages should look similar now.

8-1-2024: I have made some bare bone pages linked from here, small projects to keep me going. I want to add some hobby stuff somewhere. I might reorder stuff not sure yet!

7-28-24: Site updates will be slow from here on. I'm working on course work from FreeCodeCamp.org hopefully i am able to become better at this.